Tuesday, July 29, 2008

In Chicago!

My access to internet is somewhat limited and things were crazy this weekend, but I can say I am now living in Chicago! I arrived last Friday and I am now settled in. I have still been applying for jobs and had an interview yesterday that went well, but I am still looking for other possibilities. It can be kind of a downer to not be working because there is not much to do and you don't feel very useful. My roommate will be leaving for Medjugorie tomorrow as well, so I will be alone in our apartment for 10 days, and I just moved here! I have a choir audition today at St. John Cantius and getting involved there soon will help. Say a prayer that I find a job, and also, for my vocation. That is a priority this year. I really sense that I am supposed to know with certainty by the end of the year. In a sense I BEG God to know. but, i will also accept whatever his will is. Holy Mary, guide me in all things...

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