Sunday, May 4, 2008


I could use a few prayers. Things are emotional and confusing this week! I graduate from college, and head home, but not having luck with finding decent work... so I am having doubts about where I am supposed to be... trying to make sure I listen to God's will for me and not plan out my life myself... So many thoughts, ideas, and emotions going on! I could use a prayer from anyone reading, to the Holy Spirit for discernment during this Novena time before Pentecost.


Rod F. said...

Be not afraid. I spent the morning in Richford and it will be a beautiful time to be home. The quiet and stillness of the county will be the perfect place to listen for that still small voice.
Vivat Jesus.
p.s., and you didn't think anyone ever read your blog :)

Erica Lynn said...

I'm a friend of Bethany Musser's from PA. I was blog wandering (since I recently got my - are you interested in youth ministry/jr. high kids at all?

Kimberly said...

Nice to know someone is reading and saying a prayer for me. I'm still as unsure as ever what I am supposed to do and even more worried. I had thought I knew and now I just don't know! I just want to know what the lord wills, because I know it's the only thing that will bring peace, and i need an answer before the end of the month. I just don't always trust enough that that answer will come, even though the Lord has never disappointed me.

Kimberly said...

Erica, I wouldn't really feel qualified to do that, but thank you for asking. I've worked at day cares, but still have never felt completely comfortable working with kids. I'm looking for something low stress, like an office job that's monday through friday so i can work as a music director for a church on the evenings and weekends.