Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Parish prayer for vocations

I thought i would share with all of you a prayer that my parish says before the sermon at every mass. I think it is a good practice in our day to start having parishes say a prayer for vocations together because they are so desperately needed, and maybe by hearing the prayer every week, it will get families to foster religious vocations in their children. Here it is:

O God, we earnestly beseech thee, to bless the church with many priests, brothers, and sisters, who will love thee with their whole strength, be faithful to their vocation, and gladly spend their entirely lives to teach thy truth, serve thy church, and to make thee known and loved.
V. Bless our families, bless our children
R. Choose from our homes those who are needed for thy work.
V. O Mary, Queen of the clergy
R. Pray for our priests, seminarians, and religious; obtain for us many more. Amen.

I hope that some of you priests can introduce this prayer or something similar in your parishes, and send it to other priests. V. is led by the priest, then the parish responds.
Our parish also says an Our Father after for and end to terrorism and the conversion of the Muslims and all people to Christ, but that's a different mattter.


gemoftheocean said...

Thanks for the reminder. A prayer should be in the petitions every sunday. I'm not sure that it's quite proper to say that prayer just before every sermon (otherwise that's sort of tinkering with the Mass because the homily should come after the Gospel) but that said we would do well to include a petition for vocations If you don't ask, you don't get!

Kimberly said...

I guess you could only do it this way in the extraordinary form then, because in that form, the sermon is not formally considered part of the mass.
On second thought though,even in the ordinary form, i really don't see the harm of praying a prayer for vocations every week to start the sermon. i don't see how praying a brief prayer to God for something desperately needed that is vital to the church with your priest could be considered "tinkering" with the mass.